Peppermint Essential oil

Peppermint Essential Oil Image 1 - Joseph Buttigieg - Sports Massage Therapist Peppermint Essential Oil Image 2 - Joseph Buttigieg - Sports Massage Therapist

Peppermint Essential oil uses treatment for a variety of conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, and other digestive issues, as well as the common cold and headaches.

A topical application for relief from itching, muscle pain, and headache

Vegan and vegetarian friendly, 100% natural

Details: this item is sold in 100 ml bottles

Warming Up oil

Warming Up Oil Image 1 - Joseph Buttigieg - Sports Massage Therapist Warming Up Oil Image 2 - Joseph Buttigieg - Sports Massage Therapist

The Warming Up oil is recommended for all athletes, especially prior to competitions in the winter season. This warming up oil is made from natural ingredients.

This formulation produces long lasting warmth and stimulating effect on muscles. Application will help accelerate local blood circulation. Perfect for massages before, during or after physical performance to counteract fatigue and help physical recovery.

This oil contains Capsicum Annuum resin which helps the blood circulation in your muscles, which helps in warming up.

Details: this item is sold in 500 ml bottles